I envision a thriving airport district that harmonizes progress with community well-being:

·        Enhanced Facility: I am in support of adding the new terminal, ensuring safety, efficiency, and a positive traveler experience.

·        Reviewing the Noise and Safety Policies will play an important role.

·        Economic Growth: Gradual, organized and well-balanced growth will benefit local infrastructure, businesses and residents alike.

·        Citizen Committee: Transparency is paramount—I advocate for a true Citizen Committee to actively involve the public in decision-making.

This committee must include representatives from neighboring cities, such as council members, neighborhood representatives, MPAD board members and staff, as well as an airline and FAA spokesperson.

·        Community Focus: I am dedicated to transparency, accountability, and serving the best interests of our residents. Our residents come first, before big business!

ENDORSEMENTS - I am honored to have earned the support of a diverse group of current and former elected officials, and dedicated community leaders:

Alan Haffa (current Mry Council), Nancy Selfridge (former Mry Council), Libby Downey (former Mry Council), Tom Reeves (current NMNA president), Jean Rasch (current Monte Vista Neighborhood President), Bob Evans (former NMNA president), Luis Osorio (former Mry Planning Commissioner), Kim Shirley (current Del Rey Oaks Council), Monterey County New Progressives, Monterey County Democrats, Public Water Now, Jan Shriner (VP of Marina Coast Water District Board)